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Improvement & Systems

As the saying goes "Quality is a given".  So why do we see such differences between organisations, our suppliers and within our own organisation? 

Every organisation needs a Quality Management System that is efficient, effective and used by everyone. We can help you implement Quality Management system that will be compliant to ISO9001:2015 but more importantly will help your business meet customer expectations, continually improve, achieve sustainability and manage risk.

We can help you get certification to ISO9001:2015 or ISO140001, build a workforce of skilled problem solvers, improve supplier quality and  skill up your team in FMEA and quality improvement tools.



How we can help you

  • Quality Management System design and Implementation


  • Problem Solving Skills Development


  • ISO9001:2015 & ISO140001 Certification


  • Internal Auditor Training and Coaching


  • DFMEA & PFMEA Facilitation & Training


  • Software tools for FMEA. 

  • Quality System gap analysis and improvement plans


  • Supplier Quality Improvement


  • Supplier Audits and Improvement Plans


  • Quality Improvement Tools training

  • Statistical Process Control 


  • Individual Quality Problem Workshops


  • Lean Six Sigma for wicket problems

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